Do Wellspan Behavioral Health “Early Recovery Groups” Drug Test?

Question by sam: Do Wellspan Behavioral Health “Early Recovery Groups” Drug Test?
I got a DUI last July and as part of my punishment I was ordered to get a CRN and drug and alcohol evaluation to determine if I needed any “counseling” or to attend group therapy. My therapist at Wellspan Behavioral Health told me that basically anyone who gets a DUI is required to attend some sort of counseling. She put me in what is referred to as Early Recovery Group Therapy because she felt it was just a mistake that I made and I do not have an alcohol problem (haven’t drank since the DUI). The group therapy is weekly one hour long sessions. I was under the impression that I would be getting drug tested (no one said this to me, I just kind of assumed). I have been to 2 meetings so far and have yet to be drug tested or see anyone else get drug tested. It seems like we just talk things out and discuss addiction and yada yada yada. I’m basically just asking if anyone has experience with these courses and can tell me if they do in fact drug test? Once again, I am attending the EARLY RECOVERY group sessions at Wellspan Behavioral Health. Thanks guys!
oh! and i’m not sure if this makes a difference but the group therapy is for 12 weeks – 12 sessions 🙂
I am asking because regardless of whether or not I do drugs I would like to know if I am being drug tested…. SO CRAZY RIGHT. If you don’t have an actual answer to my question, don’t answer it! Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Poppy
What difference does it make unless you are looking to do drugs while attending the class. The whole idea is to not do the drugs. If you’re not doing them, who cares.


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