What Can Happen to His Arm?
by woody1778a
Question by XoSexierDenYewXo: What can happen to his arm?
my boyfriend broke his arm around the elbow area… it’s not terrible but it is broken.. he hasnt gone to the doctors to get a cast in 2 days.. nobody will take him… what will hapen to his arm if he neglects to take care of the fracture?
Best answer:
Answer by ♥~mandi ~♥
i did that once! i fergot i was in 2nd grade, my wrist does hurt a lot when i do to much writing, in fact it is throbbing write now
Answer by krennao
It can heal the wrong way, and they will have to rebreak it to set it. If it has not already started to set.
Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Clinics in the US Industry Market Research …
Accordingly, the Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Clinics industry generates an estimated $ 7.7 billion in annual revenue, as operators try to stem the adverse effects of chemical dependence (i.e. addiction). Federal funding through Medicaid and Medicare …
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Drug treatment funding in Maine is falling, but demand is greater than ever
In 2010, Maine spent a total of $ 47 million on substance abuse treatment ranging from sober-living situations such as halfway houses, to outpatient counseling, to hospitals or short-term stays in rehabilitation clinics. Last year the amount dropped by …
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