What Does Snorting Cocaine Lead To?
Question by Pulse: what does snorting cocaine lead to?
MY NEW BOYFRIEND USES THE DRUG COCAINE REGULARLY. he is a successful media executive, who is featured in the public eye regularly, in london,
Perhaps its being in the media industry that does this to you, but instead of bonuses he gets cocaine.
i was shocked when i discovered this. i asked him how long has he done this and he said he has snorted cocaine for 4 years now. i asked him why does he do this annd he said its better than taking other drugs. yesterday, at his house he snorted it infront of me and it shocked me as i’ve never seen anyone do it. later on his friends, who are all of high status background, came round and he said they snorted even more.
what are the long term effects of this?
what effect does the drug have on one who has snorted it?
how do i make him stop?
i’m 18 too n i have no idea what to do!
Best answer:
Answer by smokin.kush4200
Heavy, regular use of cocaine is known to cause restlessness, anxiety, hyperexcitability, paranoia, irritability, insomnia, weight loss, and a variety of other less acute psychological symptoms. Insufflation of any substance can lead to damaging the cartiledge and mucosa in the nose, eventually leading to a hole in the septum (the soft structure separating the nostils). If injected, cocaine use can lead to a wide variety of problems including life-threatening infections, shared needle-related blood diseases, etc.
Varies with dose and the tolerance of the user. Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive.
3.Its his money and his life theres nothing you can do other then tell him it bothers you
i got all this information from erowid.com this site can answer any question about drugs
Answer by S&yW
He sounds addicted and you can’t stop someone from doing drugs, unless they realize they need help, admit that they need help, and want to stop. Sometimes the addiction is greater than the desire to quit, it isn’t easy. You might want to google it, or go to WebMD, and do research. Also, call your local narcotics anonymous, they will give you answers and guidance as to what you can do for yourself, and maybe your boyfriend too. Good luck
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