Is the Drug Bath Salts Really Bath Salts?
Question by Adam Gipe: Is the drug bath salts really bath salts?
I’ve read the story about the guy on “bath salts” that ate the homeless man’s face off in Miami and I was confused. Is the drug bath slats the guy was using a chemical mixture or is it just the bath salts you can buy at the store and take baths with?
Best answer:
Answer by Fizzle
No, it isn’t bath salts. They call it that and label it not for human consumption as a legal loophole. It’s a very potent psychoactive/stimulant chemical.
Answer by briee89
Bath salts are mixed stimulants and amphetamines (speed).
In Ontario, Canada the bath salts we have on the street right now are called “Mr Peanut” and it’s cocaine, ritalin and ecstacy mixed in one.
They are VERY dangerous, they cause paranoia, insane strength, psychotic dilusions and psychosis (and more).
You can buy them on the street or in some local head shops
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