What’s Wrong With Weed, LSD…etc?

Question by Rae & Steven: What’s wrong with Weed, LSD…etc?
I have been brought up my entire life that drugs were bad. But recently upon entering college, I have tried canabis. It turns out that I really liked the feeling. I felt free and I got to this mental state where everything was clear and easy to understand. The more I smoked the more I started to realize that every thing i ever heard just didn’t seem to make sense anymore. So i just want to know other peoples experiences smoking. Also, does anyone ever feel as though when they get high that they realize that they see the truth about life that if everyone opened up their minds to the possiblity that they would be free from the restraints of life?

Best answer:

Answer by Jayenen
It’s bad because it impairs your health. This seems to be a strange question but I tried drugs when I was a freshman in high school, and apparently it turned out bad. Even though the feeling is “good”, there are bad things that could happen to you. It could result in death, sometimes you won’t know what you’re doing, so it leads to crime.

Answer by reppin miami fl
i was wondering the same thing, i don’t do drugs but if we let the addicts do their thing soon they od or die from some thing else and that might solve the overpopulation problem

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