Rehab Centers Addiction Treatment Center


Rehab Centers Addiction Treatment Center – Decision Point OutDoor Adventure Program. A Holistic Addiction Treatment Center.Call Toll Free 1.877.77.ADMIT –Sent via http://hey…


Yaba, the Madness Drug

Filed under: meth rehab centers

Tarique is seated in the CREA rehab center in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. He says his honeymoon with yaba lasted four years — and then things became increasingly desperate. "I took 300,000 taka [$ 3,750] that was meant for my exam registration …
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Jodie Sweetin IRS Tax Debt Paid! How 'Full House' Actress Kicked Drug

Filed under: meth rehab centers

Sweetin still works as a clinical logistics coordinator at the rehab center, and it looks like she's started off 2014 on the right foot by paying off her massive IRS debt. And recently, Candace Cameron Bure who played Sweetin's onscreen sister has even …


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