O.D.U . HMSV 440W Linda Dufresne


O.D.U . HMSV 440W Linda Dufresne – Case B: Drug / Alcohol Rehab Program evaluation presentation.


Planned luxury rehab for Red Hook worries locals

Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program

Locals are up in arms over a plan to open a high-end drug and alcohol abuse rehab center in Red Hook. Urban Recovery House, a for-profit provider, plans on opening an upscale 25 to 30 bed inpatient treatment facility on an industrial stretch of Beard St.
Read more on New York Daily News


Inside The Luxe 0K Per Year Rehab Center 'Affluenza' Teen Will Attend After

Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program

The American Medical Association states that a regular exercise program is a key element of effective teen drug treatment,” the venue's website states. “Newport Academy has 'the most beautiful treatment facility in the industry that provides an …
Read more on Radar Online


Wichita Alcohol Rehab Launches New Video Describing Services for Adults

Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program

A Wichita alcohol rehab has announced that a new video has been launched describing new services and treatment options available for alcohol addiction help through Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Wichita and surrounding towns. Alcoholism touches …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


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