Stop Drug Addication and HIV Aids by Promoting Entrepreneurial Education in School


Stop Drug Addication and HIV Aids by promoting entrepreneurial education in School


Lee Rigby murder: How Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale became

Filed under: drug addiction counselling

He suffered a breakdown after seeing a fellow teenage drug-dealer cut to pieces by a paranoid crack addict who claimed his victim was an al-Qa'ida terrorist bent on blowing up the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. Adebolajo, 29, had been on police and …
Read more on The Independent


Famous Ex Monk Santikaro Delivers a Buddhist Interpretation of Addiction

Filed under: drug addiction counselling

All our counsellors are DANOS (UK Drug and Alcohol National Occupational Standards equivalent to CADC) accredite and licensed addiction counsellors. Our in-house medical care and 24-hour nursing conforms with highest international standards and is …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


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