How Similar Is Metylphenidate to Cocaine?
Question by jumo: How similar is metylphenidate to cocaine?
Dea says: “Methylphenidate, a Schedule II substance, has a high potential for abuse and produces many of the same effects as cocaine and the amphetamines.”
It has recently come to the attention of the DEA, that a corporation (the manufacturer of the methylphenidate product marketed under a commercial brand) contributed $ 748,000 to CHADD from 1991 to 1994. The DEA has concerns that the depth of the financial relationship with the manufacturer was not well-known by the public, including CHADD members that have relied upon CHADD for guidance as it pertains to the diagnosis and treatment of their children.
If Methylphenidate is prescribed to children by the millions, and is more or less the same, Why is cocaine bad for your health?
I am very concerned as a niece has been prescribed with metylphenidate and I can`t trust corporations, organizations funded by them or doctors who make theyr day by getting a permanent “pacient”
Please answer with scientific view (recent studies if possible) to compare the effects of both drugs in brain.
Best answer:
Answer by lufo
Your niece will probably not become dependent on Ritalin, but I will not give it to my daughter.
She will improve school results, so if it is the most important, go ahead, but it will have a cost:
She will look “sleepy” and over focused all day, she will lose spontaneity and research spirit, on weekends (when kids usualy “rest” from the drug) she will have abstinence syndrome.
The main problem with those drugs is when people abuse them and it is most likely that your niece will not.
Take your desicion, but for sure in the future these dugs will be remembered as middle age – probably dark ages – drugs.
What do you think? Answer below!
Colombia's Police Chief: Synthetic Drugs Overtaking Cocaine
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The DEA website also says that multiple deaths have been reported due to users mixing the drug with other drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and large amounts of alcohol. If you have any information on drug activity in Douglas and Coffee County …
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