

addicted – no music, no sound, no voice, just your imagination to create it around my words


A place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness

Filed under: addiction heroine

She lost 16 of them, all addicts like her, in an eight-month period. In fact, she was such a staple there, the owners of the cemetery wouldn't remove her sleeping bag. The former heroine and pill abuser has since found recovery at the Oasis House in …
Read more on Desert Dispatch


Jail for 'addict' who had been cleaning up his act, then blew it

Filed under: addiction heroine

Solicitor Adrian Pearce, in mitigation, told magistrates his client, who he said had a £140-a-day heroin addiction, had been in Tamworth to collect his methadone prescription but was early. "It was a stupid and spur of the moment offence," said Pearce.
Read more on This is Tamworth


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