25/25 My Current Addiction – to Running.


25/25 My current addiction – to running. – From www.knowdrugs.net “Not Keith” is a London taxi driver. His alcoholic father died when he was 12, but that didn’t stop him becoming a heavy drinker. The day he discovered cocaine he thought all his prayers had been answered. In this honestly told narrative, Not Keith shares his views and experiences with a range of drugs.


Karyn Hascal | Support Healing Place in addiction fight

Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery

In the past it was cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, prescription pain killers and now heroin. Until we begin to address the disease of addiction as a public health epidemic, we will fail … There may be different solutions to this problem but for …
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One Turk dies every day due to drug abuse: report

Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery

The Turkish security forces detained 105,665 suspects in 2011 in 67,099 drug raids, said the report, adding that the usage of heroin, marijuana and captagon decreased, but the usage of cocaine, ecstasy and methamphetamine rose. The report also included …
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