FACE FRIEND — The curedrive — http://www.curedrive.org/index.html — is a NONPROFIT where we DEMONSTRATE and teach CURE of medically incurable diseases on camera. § Spe…

Uruguay may treat addicted prisoners with medical pot
While the government figures out what its policy is on this issue, we thought we'd take a look at the underlying science behind this idea: Can you effectively treat addiction to narcotics like cocaine and methamphetamine with medical marijuana? Or is …
Read more on TucsonSentinel.com

Bill Clark Interview
From marijuana I went to meth, I went to coke, I went to PCP, I went to whatever they went to.' It was a gateway drug. It started them down a path, first of all of addiction, and I thought that there was a fair amount of information that marijuana was …
Read more on The Western News

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