Synthetic Drug Chemicals Bound for Honduras Seized in Mexico

Synthetic Drug Chemicals Bound for Honduras Seized in Mexico

Filed under: crystal meths

Mexico's Ministry of the Navy today announced that its naval forces and agents from the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) have seized 136 tons of chemicals used to manufacture synthetic drugs such as crystal methamphetamine or "meth", …



Quitting smoking is hard, not quitting is even harder. Very graphic horror stories. This motivation video uses hard facts and emotional persuasion for people to make the decision to kick their bad habits such as Quit Drinking Alcohol, Quit Smoking Cigarettes, Cannabis, Crack, Opeates, Heroin, methamphetamine , Quit Snorting Cocaine, Ketamine, Crystal Meths or Stop Taking Methadone, Subutex (Buprenorphine) or Narcotics. Sometimes its easy to forget what a wonderful gift life is until its too late. When you are lying on your death bed and you start to think that life was just too short. It only seemed like yesterday that you had your 10th birthday, when you were in school, when you started your first job. It just seems like a fleeting moment in time, gone in the blink of an eye. Then you wish you has just one more year; just think what you could do in that time? You could go and visit a far off place you always wanted to visit but never got around to it. Maybe you could go and look at a beautiful sunset from an airplane? Maybe you want to experience a total eclipse of the sun. Maybe you want to do something much simpler like smell the roses, feel the raindrops on your face, appreciate the beauty of spring. Maybe you want to tell someone you love them, or that you are sorry. Maybe you want to eat some exotic fruit that you have seen time after time but never bothered to taste it. By this time you are beginning to realize that you have wasted between 10 to 20 years of your life through smoking. Whats more, you paid some £100000 over



Journey of a Dragonfly: A True Story of Bipolar Disorder & Crystal Meth

crystal meths – Click on the image below for more information.

Journey of a Dragonfly: A True Story of Bipolar Disorder & Crystal Meth

crystal meths

Bipolar Disorder is far more than sudden mood changes. It can have an effect of virtually every part of your life. Symptoms range from forgetfulness, hypersexuality and extremely poor decision making and that can have an enormous impact on every facet of your life.

In this book you will experience what Darrin felt throughout his life, from being misunderstood to having unbearable experiences in school and work making life nearly impossible. Often feeling cut off and very alone, he wen

List Price: $ 4.97

Price: $ 4.97



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