Q&A: Why Do I Like Getting Caught Masturbating? Am I Crazy?

Question by Nikki L: Why do I like getting caught masturbating? Am I crazy?
I have thought about this for a while. I am 17 years old and ever since I started masturbating ( which was like 5 years ago), I have always had this weird thing. Its like I want to get caught. For example, I will sometimes leave the door to my room or bathroom open or partway open. My Dad has “caught” me numerous times, and I always act really surprised, and he gets embarrassed, but I get this big rush that makes it feel so great.I don’t really try to hide my body either. I like that he knows what my body looks like. It seems like it has gotten out of hand, though. My brother is 3 years younger than me and when my parents are away, sometimes I try to get caught by him or even like go naked in front of him. He told my parents today about it and my Dad came to me and asked “DO you have a sex addiction?” and im like “I don’t know”. We had a long sex talk and I ended up getting embarrassed. Other than this I am a normal girl. I get good grades and I’m on the poms squad and have had boyfriends all throughout high school.WHy do I do this? I’ve never been abused or anything. Am I crazy? SOrry if im rambling, but this situation bothers me.

Best answer:

Answer by Laffy
can you help me:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ap9I3nSnGR13YxWhoGWHzqfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090806224257AAPrTEr

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