I Need Some Serious/help!!!?

Question by 6546587: I need some serious/help!!!?
lately my dad has been getting on my nurves. he thinks demoms are watching him, he claims he can see dead people, he even says people can watch us while we go to the bathroom, my friends are secretly cooking methamphetamine in the woods, just completely abnormal things. He wraps things in tinfoil, puts pots and pans around the house, turns up the tv real loud. he claims it helps “scare away the demons…” I tried to tell him many of times that it’s all made up in his head and that he needs serious help but that just leads to domestic violence. from what I stated above he has been doing it for little over a year now. we never have peace in the houeshold. I am currently on my last year of highshool and it’s not going so smootly because of him. I just wish a shotgun magically appeares in my hand so I can fucking blow his head off. thats how annoying/crazy he is making me 🙁 what shall I do because I am pretty much stuck in a loop-hole.

this is a serious question and I will not tolerate stupidity or ignorance when it comes to answers…

Best answer:

Answer by Travelin Pete
This situation must be really bad for you. Your dad seems to be suffering from schizophrenia and needs urgent help before he does harm to himself or others (you hinted he is hurting you or other people in the house).
Do you have access to a councillor at school? or someone you can talk to in confidence – someone who can suggest how you can get help? I hope you can find a solution because you can’t carry on like that.
Good luck

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