Has Anyone Ever Been the Victim of a Crime, Violent or Non-Violent and Felt Let Down by the Legal System?

Question by mikey: Has anyone ever been the victim of a crime, violent or non-violent and felt let down by the legal system?
Has anyone felt let down by the legal system because the bad guy had a drug problem and got off with “drug treatment”? Not to mention the fact that so many of these same people re -offend or walk/run away from treatment? How much money were you out? What injuries did you sustain?Tell me your story….

Best answer:

Answer by Nic T
More than once, though all non-violent. My apartment was robbed once, and the dude was caught and only got probation. Only part of my stuff was recovered, and the rest I could not sue for in small claims court because I did not have proof of purchase (like people keep receipts when they have owned a T.V. for years). That was screwed up.

The second time I was in another complex, and was robbed by a pair of black kids while I was in my house at gun point. Both made off with some of my stuff and my wallet. The police took my description of the suspects, but within a week they had set the case aside because they did not have any leads.

The third incident occurred a few months later, late at night in my next apartment complex (which was gated). A black kid (this one was 17) broke my sliding glass window and began to enter. It was 11:30 and so I was in bed, and the sound woke me and I got up and got my shotgun. I entered the living room as he was rummaging through my coffee table drawer. He looked up as I entered the room and started toward me, and I shot him. Unfortunately, I killed him. However, the Castle Doctrine of Florida protected me from prosecution, as his family wanted to sue me for him breaking into my house and me shooting him.

So all and all, two failures of the system and one success that I had to do myself, though unfortunately I had to kill someone to do it.

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