For Addicts, Ecstasy's Pleasures Fill a Void

For addicts, ecstasy's pleasures fill a void

Filed under: alcohol addict

Feeding his addiction became a priority. Everything else fell by the wayside. When it became increasingly difficult to achieve the same high, he ramped up his dosage levels to "insane amounts" and started mixing ecstasy with alcohol.



Supporters, opponents make last arguments on proposed Bethlehem drug and

Filed under: alcohol addict

Proponents and critics of a proposed Bethlehem drug and alcohol addiction treatment center made their final arguments Wednesday night, wrapping up more than 30 hours of testimony over seven hearings before city zoners.



Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol Addiction – Here’s a testimony from our friends at Biblica. For more, please visit: Alcohol Addiction – What is alcoholism? Alcohol addiction is simply defined as a compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid that is obtained from fermented grain or fruit. These liquids include beer, wine, and other hard liquors. Alcoholism is present when a person craves alcohol and cannot limit or contain his or her drinking. If someone experiences withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, or anxiety when alcohol consumption has ceased, or if there is a need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to feel a high, that person is most likely alcoholic. Some may think that its just a matter of having the will to stop drinking, but alcoholism is more complicated than that. An alcoholics craving for alcohol is so great that it suppresses their ability to stop drinking. The majority of alcoholics need assistance to stop drinking. With treatment and support from family and friends, many have been able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives. It is a sad fact however that there are still some who are unable to stop in spite of these aids. Alcohol Addiction – What are the causes and effects of alcoholism? Scientists say that someone who has alcoholic addiction in his/her family is more likely to develop alcoholism if they choose to drink. Alcoholism can also develop or worsen based on a persons environment and traumatic experiences in



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