Attorney General Conway Announces $32 Million for Drug Addiction Treatment


Attorney General Conway Announces Million for Drug Addiction Treatment – Attorney General Jack Conway announced that more than million recovered in settlements with two pharmaceutical companies will be used throughout Kentucky…


Denver Health gives drug addicts nasal syringe antidote to prevent deadly
“If you see somebody who’s taken an overdose of drugs and is not breathing, what you do is put this in the nose and spray,” said Dr. Eric Lavonas of Denver Health. “We encourage people to get [drug addiction] treatment. But treatment doesn’t do any …Read more on The Denver Channel


Could Drug-Replacement Therapy Have Saved Philip Seymour…
Addicts given Suboxone were “less likely to use opioids, cocaine and marijuana, to inject drugs, or drop out of treatment,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Long-term use may be vital to a healthy life for an addict. Opiate replacements …
Read more on The New Republic


Selena Gomez left rehab 4 weeks early: Drug and alcohol treatment cut short
While her reps denied Gomez was addicted to drugs or alcohol, sources said she had grown dependent on pot, Ambien and booze and was heart-broken after her break-up from Justin Bieber. Selena’s camp blamed Justin for being a “bad influence,” but …


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